Work in Progress

Tracks currently under construction or consideration are:

  • Native Stepson – Sonny Landreth

This list isn’t set in stone. Those who know me are well aware that I’m easily distracted. I’ve had reports that some of the early Smiths songs on the Forge could do with their bass lines examining. This could prove to be an interesting rabbit hole to go down.

Got a request? Head over to the CustomsForge Requests Page and post it there. If it tickles my fancy, I’ll take a look – if not, one of the other charters may pick it up. Please don’t contact me directly with requests – I get inundated and I haven’t got enough hours in the day. Producing these charts is hard work anyway, but if it isn’t a track I don’t like, it becomes a chore. Plus I hate to disappoint.

12 thoughts on “Work in Progress”

  1. Hi James, I was surprised to see you uploading s BCR song. Are you thinking about doing more Songs of them?
    I startet to create my own songs with your hunde and recommendations. And it worked. But I am not as good as you are. And I am still fighting with the sync.
    I really would like to see oire BCR songs created by you.

    Kind regards from Germany


    1. Hello Robert, please remember that I have been creating customs for five years now – the more practice you have creating them, the easier it will become. I am pleased to hear that you found my guide useful. I have not got any more BCR songs in mind, why not suggest some on the CustomsForge Requests page ( . If I don’t pick them up, one of the other charters may do so. All the very best, James


  2. Hi James just like to say big thanks for all the tunes you do .soon as I see your name on it I know it’s worth dl thanks again mate


  3. Hi James,

    A huge thanks for all the songs you do. I think i’ve downloaded 75%, mostly oldies. I’m playing them for my mother who suffers form Alhzeimer. The only time she smiles is when I play music. The memory just gets back. She’s unable to speak, but as soon as the music starts, she can hum on it.

    I’ll never thank you enough.


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